althaller communication

as a market communications company, we offer first-class communication solutions in a wide range of sectors.

With our expertise, which we have built up and continuously expanded over 30 years through successful communication in a wide range of industries, we provide exemplary communication work across all formats and media, particularly in the finance and insurance industry, e-payment, e-commerce, retail, real estate, IT and telecommunications.

From family businesses to listed corporations, board members, managing directors and communications managers rely on our excellent work, our imaginative and cross-media approach to topics and target groups. High communication quality combined with proven industry knowledge and creative thinking are our assets.

Put your trust in our experience and let us pave the way for your success together.



markets are conversations.

“Our mission is to build and maintain relationships with relevant opinion leaders in order to position our clients in the daily, business and trade press. As an external press office, we use digital channels to promote sales-supporting communication and activate social networkers, influencers and our own employees. With professional competence, appealing stories and digital expertise, we are your reliable partner as a company for market communication.”


We love our work and do it with passion. Your corporate goals are what drive us. We like to walk in your shoes, but we don’t put on every shoe. Our view from the outside makes us valuable consultants.

althaller communication – Gesellschaft für Markenkommunikation

jacqueline althaller

Founded althaller communication in 1992 and since then has primarily looked after clients from the IT and e-commerce, healthcare and human resources sectors. She specializes in social media, internal communication, ethics, corporate culture and crisis communication.

The communications specialist began her professional career in 1989 as a press officer at Dyckerhoff & Widmann AG before moving to Digital Equipment GmbH in 1991.

Jaqueline Althaller is an author on the subject of social media in business communication and offers readers tried-and-tested tips for the digital future of corporate communication.

our values

Passion and enthusiasm characterize our entrepreneurial activities across all agency levels. We do our work as communication experts with the utmost conviction, commitment and flair. And, of course, with great enthusiasm for our clients, their business models and topics.

social responsibility

As a communications agency that practices its profession with passion and commitment, we take our responsibility to the public very seriously. We know what we can achieve with our behavior, our skills and our actions. This is one of the reasons why we have been volunteering in the social sector with our association Zeit des Lachens for a very long time.



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Taking responsibility is part of everyday life at althaller communication.

Our commitment to “Zeit des Lachens e.V.” is a matter close to our hearts. We launched the “Tage des Lachens” initiative in 2005 and transformed it into a non-profit association in 2008. From the very beginning, we have supported “Zeit des Lachens e.V.” with professional press work and also actively help in approaching new sponsors. The aim of the association is to bring a day full of joy, laughter and variety to everyday life in German hospitals. The basic idea behind “Zeit des Lachens e.V.” is Sustainability: What is communicated on a “Day of Laughter” in the clinics should have a long-term effect on everyday hospital life. Laughing together brings people together and contacts are made that have a lasting positive impact.


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