26. March 2017 | Others | 0 comments


Project details


For over 20 years the publishing house ALTOP has been one of the leading providers of information about ecology and economy. It transfers the significance of sustainability with their reference book “ECO-World – das alternative Brachenbuch” as well as their online platform “ECO-World.de”. As the leading news agency it delivers with “Eco-News” bespoke and targeted content for topics regarding LOHAS (Lifestyle of Health and Sustainability) and CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) on specialized media and online platforms. Their offer benefits from a comprehensive data base with more than 20,000 addresses and is filled with lively content to news, events and scientific articles concerning ecology, health and lifestyle.


The management of ALTOP relied on the expertise of COMMUNICATION Presse und PR by planning public relations in the whole spectrum. COMMUNICATION Presse und PR supported ALTOP´s own press office with all necessary services including editing of press releases or development and retention of editor contacts for special topics like LOHAS and sustainable economics.

Date: 2002-2007

“… Frau Althaller und Ihr Team überzeugten durch die professionelle Gestaltung des Workshops. Besonders hervorzuheben sind dabei die kreativen Techniken, die zur gemeinsamen Ideenfindung eingesetzt wurden. Unter Frau Althallers kompetenter Begleitung konnten schnell relevante Aussagen formuliert werden, mit dem Ergebnis, dass die Pressepräsenz des Altop-Verlages seither deutlich angestiegen ist. …”

Fritz Lietsch, Geschäftsführer

(vollständiges Testimonial als PDF)



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