26. März 2017 | Others | 0 Kommentare

Digital Equipment

Project details

Digital Equipment

Digital Equipment was a pioneer in the computing industry and had been taken over by Compaq in 1998. Until the take over took place COMMUNICATION Presse und PR supported Digital Equipment as an outhouse press office. Tasks included:

  • Traditional press work and PR for the departments of financial management, administration, assembly, processes industry, transport and logistics, media
  • Press work and PR support to all topics regarding ecology (including TV appearance, communication with employees, coordination of the “Umweltcircel”, etc.
  • Preparation, organization and conducting of press conferences, stage discussions, etc.; TV appearance during congresses and fairs such as CeBIT, Systems, etc.
  • Development of new concepts for the association and continuous support
  • Editorial support of the corporate magazine and general internal communication, CI integration
  • Editorial support of the customer magazine and business reporting


Press work guidance at trade-fair appearances such as CeBIT, Systems and house fairs
Editing of articles for publications in specialized media, economic magazines and daily news papers
Editorial maintenance of the Digital / SAP-Expertise Center newsletters with production and graphic support.
Development and creation of a valid corporate ecological image

Date: 1991 – 1997

“… Seit über 6 Jahren arbeiten wir mit Jacqueline Althaller, Inhaberin der Presse und PR-Agentur COMMUNICATION, zusammen. COMMUNICATION ist eine praxisorientierte Agentur für strategische Kommunikation und Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, die wir aufgrund ihres großen Erfahrungsschatz in allen Disziplinen der Unternehmenskommunikation, der Public Relations und der internen Kommunikation schätzen. …”

(vollständiges Testimonial als PDF)


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