26. March 2017 | Others | 0 comments

Essex Pharma GmbH

Project details

Essex Pharma

Essex Pharma GmbH, located in Munich, was the first subsidiary of Schering-Plough (S-P) Corporation, an innovative, researching pharmaceutical American enterprise. MSD Sharp & Dohme / Merck & Co. took over Essex Pharma GmbH in the end of 2009.

In their long-lasting cooperation COMMUNICATION Presse und PR was in charge of traditional press work, such as editing of press releases to corporate topics, editing of journalistic articles and set-up and maintenance of press mailing lists. The agency functioned as a “Think Tank” creating positioning papers and theses according to target groups to raise awareness among opinion leading economic media. Furthermore, COMMUNICATION Presse und PR consulted and supported the company in all topics regarding public relations as the strategic process of implementing a corporate website.


In addition, Jacqueline Althaller was member of the international crisis management of Schering-Plough.

In 2005 COMMUNICATION Presse und PR developed and implemented a sustainable strategy for CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Essex Pharma GmbH supported the initiative “Tage des Lachens” as key sponsor until the initiative established to the association “Zeit des Lachens e.V.”.

Date: 2004 – 2009

“… Frau Althaller und Ihr Team überzeugen immer wieder aufs Neue durch die schnelle Einarbeitung in komplexe Sachverhalte und eine zuverlässige und professionelle Umsetzung. …”

Barbara Graml, Director PR & Communications

(vollständiges Testimonial als PDF)



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