SAP Concur announced first mover as CIP for the T&E cloud solution

KPS appointed first SAP Concur Customer Implementation Partner Nordics

Munich, 25. January 2018. SAP selected KPS as the first Customer Implementation Partner (CIP) authorized to sell and implement SAP Concur Solutions in the Nordics. The first mover and SAP strive for a seamless and efficient collaboration. Customers already using SAP benefit from a standardized integration best practice package, reducing runtime and cost.

KPS supports its customers in agile and business-oriented projects of high quality. By using the KPS Rapid Transformation method customers especially benefit from a faster implementation and can quickly reap the benefits. “Our thorough SAP experience from many successful implementations and the KPS SAP Concur certified consultants are a guarantee for value for all our customers on upcoming projects,” says Jørgen Klüwer, KPS Managing Director Nordics.

The success story of KPS and SAP Concur began in 2014, when they implemented the solution for Arla Foods, at that time one of the largest Concur projects in Europe. In 2016, KPS was appointed the first Nordic Customer Success Partner (CSP) and was also the first mover to use the standard integration component between the SAP backend and Concur.

“From the very beginning KPS has been showing commitment to our customers and prospects. They can provide local support where needed but also work internationally, and also have solid implementation experience in SAP solutions that are not part of the Concur service offering,” says Magnus Khysing, the Director Nordic region for SAP.

KPS and SAP have built a solid base of satisfied customers who implemented Concur in a short period, automating formerly ineffective and manual processes and now benefit from a state-of-the-art Travel & Expense management from online booking to digitized expense reporting.

As the first Customer Implementation Partner, KPS is the number one choice to offer the complete package for implementing SAP Concur: project setup, configuration and testing, as well as managing the project and the change that comes with it.

„We are proud to be appointed as the only Customer Implementation Partner in the Nordics,“ adds Claus Nielsen, KPS Partner. „We have long been successful in implementing the on premise Travel & Expense solution, so the step into the cloud solution came naturally.”

About SAP Concur

Concur is the world’s leading provider of integrated travel and expense management services and solutions. For more than two decades, SAP Concur has taken companies of all sizes and stages beyond automation to a completely connected spend management solution encompassing travel, expense, invoice, compliance and risk. On the web, on a smartphone or on a tablet, Concur’s cloud-based solutions deliver an effortless experience for employees and total transparency into spending, helping organizations of all sizes, industries and locations run better. SAP Concur’s global expertise and industry-leading innovation keep its customers a step ahead with time-saving tools, leading-edge technology and connected data, in a dynamic ecosystem of diverse partners and applications. User-friendly and business-ready, SAP Concur unlocks powerful insights that help businesses reduce complexity and see spending clearly, so they can manage it proactively. Learn more at or the SAP Concur blog.

About KPS

KPS Consulting A/S is based in Copenhagen, Denmark and part of KPS AG, headquartered in Munich, Germany. KPS is the leading consultancy for strategy, process transformation and technology in the retail and merchandising sector. KPS offers end-to-end consulting from classic ERP to B2B and B2C E-Commerce and Customer Engagement. Around 1000 KPS consultants have in-depth and solid experience not only in the industry but also in managing and implementing projects within the shortest time possible. KPS holds strategic partnerships with SAP, SAP Hybris, SAP Concur, SAP Ariba as well as Adobe and Intershop. The KPS Rapid Transformation approach reduces project runtime up to 50 percent. KPS was founded in 2000 and has offices throughout Europe and in the US.

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Pressekontakt und Redaktion
Jacqueline Althaller
ALTHALLER communication GbR
Elisabethstraße 13
80796 München

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