Project details


Shopgate is the leading provider of mobile shopping solutions with roughly 4.200 produced apps. The company develops apps, mobile optimized online shops and a steady flow of m-commerce innovations. Already more than 5.000 retailers trust in Shopgate´s SaaS solutions. The company shapes the retail future and guarantees that retailers fully exploit their mobile traffic potential and increase their online turnover by 900%. Shopgate provides the freedom for customers to buy wherever they are. A kick-off workshop commenced the cooperation between Shopgate and COMMUNICATION Presse und PR aligning the individual mindsets of relevant people in the company.


Expectations of each individual how to depict the public business story, was compared and analyzed to steer the press work for Shopgate from the very start in the right direction to get a consistency reflecting the corporate attitude.

COMMUNICATION Presse und PR worked as a strategic consultant and developed creative and sustainable communication strategies for Shopgate. The focus is on press work supporting the positioning of Shopgate as the preferred company making global mobile commerce possible. Since the start of the cooperation between Shopgate GmbH and COMMUNICATION Presse und PR the company has trusted in the advice and means of the agency how to best find exciting access points for media coverings.

Date: 2013

“… Die Agentur ist in wesentlichen Teilen für die Wahrnehmung von Shopgate als dynamischen Marktteilnehmer verantwortlich und hat Shopgate als Unternehmen und mich sehr schnell in alle möglichen Medien platzieren können. Außerdem verfügt COMMUNICATION Presse und PR über ein sehr gutes Verständnis dafür, was Anbieter wie wir wollen. Richtig beeindruckend. …”

Andrea Anderheggen, Gründer und CEO

(vollständiges Testimonial als PDF)
