25. März 2017 | Others | 0 Kommentare


Project details


Payitmobile AG was founded in 2000 by professionals of the multimedia, IT and marketing industry. The company offers its clients payment options with their mobile phones in virtual and real worlds.


The emphasis of the cooperation was to support the market entry of mobile payment services. COMMUNICATION Presse und PR developed and integrated a communication strategy to enable payitmobile AG a fast market penetration. The press work focused on placing the company and its payment services in rankings and review articles. In addition, the founder of payitmobile was positioned as an expert regarding mobile payment topics. Short after the market entry a great amount of publications had been realized in specialized magazines as well as national daily and business press.

Date: 2000

“… Wir haben COMMUNICATION als kompetente und zuverlässige Agentur kennen und schätzen gelernt, der es in kurzer Zeit gelungen ist die Aufmerksamkeit bei den Pressevertretern und im Anschluss daran in der Presse zu erreichen. …”

Joachim Esser, Vorstand

(vollständiges Testimonial als PDF)


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